About The PLAYce For Us:
Celebrating Neurodiversity through Movement, Art, & Play!
Every human being feels, learns, grows.
Neurodiversity simply means people with differently wired brains are different from—not less than— the neuro-majority.
Most social systems, like education, healthcare, design, and public policy, are not equipped nor educated on the needs and gifts of the neurodiverse community.
Therefore, neurodiverse people and their caregivers experience extremely high levels of stress.
Relationships buffer stress. Play, Art, Movement buffer stress and create resilience, and joy—create moments of kairos.
Kairos: moments of shared joy in special relationships where it feels as if time slows down—you’re outside of time altogether; you are fully inhabiting the moment, the divine, the oneness.
When your family purchases a membership, you invest in shared joy. When you enroll in a yoga, mindfulness or Zentangle class, you practice resilience. When you purchase art from our gallery of neurodiverse artist and the people who love them, the proceeds fund our programming for more movement, more art, and more play.
That means more neuro-equality, more relationships, more kairos—MORE JOY!
The PLAYce For Us is changing the world, one moment of kairos at a time. Come be part of the change. Come share the joy.