Your PLAY expert


My name is Sally Schmidt (she/her/hers), your expert PLAY partner and Chief Joy Officer of The PLAYce for Us. I am a Master’s level professional with more than 20 years experience as a pediatric speech-language pathologist in teaching and healthcare as well as a certified PLAYProject Home Consultant. With a love of  all things PLAY, my team and I create a time and place that is truly all your own.

My experience and expertise with neurodiverse children and youth combined with my love of silliness, laughter and joy set the  stage for you and your child to
connect, play, and discover!

Sally truly meets our child on his level and removes any pressure to perform.She is certainly Child focused And in tune with our child. She is relaxed, confident, encouraging, and empowering. She sees the child first and the diagnosis second. She is thoughtful and thorough, warm and compassionate. She has FUN with our son and has won his confidence. We love her!

— Anonymous Parent

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